Saturday, November 14, 2009

St-Ambroise Apricot Wheat Ale Review

Tonight I am reviewing the one flavoured beer that I saved from last night's 6 pack. If you don't want to read the review, I will save you the time and tell you that the beer is good for a flavoured one.

It pours with a short head, creamy in the middle with larger bubbles on the outside. The color is very rich for a flavoured beer - on the border between amber and brown. The aroma is strong and of apricots with hints of roasted malt in the distance. The taste is just as good - malty with a fruity background and hops on the finish. An apricot taste remains for some time providing pleasant sensation. If you don't like wheat beer as much, don't worry, you barely taste the wheat. It took me 3 bottles before the wheat taste started settling in the back of my mouth. By the end of the third bottle a slight skunk taste was also accumulating. Great flavoured beer.

Cost - $12.35 CAD for a 6 pack
Taste - 7.4/10

Overall - 7.5/10...I give it an extra 0.1 for the fairly low price of roughly $2.06 per bottle

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