Worst can opening ever. The moment the top cracked, beer spilled...no, exploded from the can and landed all over my hands and desk. No, I did not shake it before opening. The can actually sat on my desk for 30 minutes before I opened it. Was it the widget? It's an odd thing. I have never had this happen before. Anyways, I got a can for $2.35 CAD, which is rather cheap.
The beer is amber in color and pours with a very thick, creamy head and tons of medium sized bubbles on top, in the center of the head. Once the bigger bubbles disappear, the head takes quite some time to recede. There is a malty, buiscuity, slightly floral scent. Medium to full bodied with a slightly sweet, fruity and malty taste. The finish is bitter and of hops. Some sweetness makes its way through and comes in after the bitter finish. I enjoyed this bitter very much. The label does not lie, the beer has a full and bold flavour.
Cost - $2.35 CAD for a 500 mL can
Taste - 8.8/10
Overall - 9/10...I have to give it 0.2 extra because of the low price/great taste combo. The flavour is bold and the finish is excellent
I love this ale, in fact if I had to choose just one beer for the rest of my days I'd choose bottled Abbot Ale.