DAB stands for Dortmunder Actien-Brauerei. I got a 6 pack of these for $11.90 CAD from LCBO and you can get cans for $2.15 CAD or for $1.95 CAD when they are on sale, like at the moment. I will tag this beer as cheap because it is often cheap.
The beer pours with a medium thick head, creamy in the middle. It is light gold in color and the head recedes relatively slowly leaving some lacing behind. The aroma is standard for a German beer of this type - hops, barley and some yeast. The taste is also typical - grain with hops at the end. The finish is not as bitter as other German beers. Overall, this is a solid German beer, which is very easy to drink, but lacks character. I would pick this German macro brew over many of the domestic macros.
Cost - $11.90 CAD for a 6 pack
Taste - 6.8/10
Overall - 6.8/10...not bad, but Holsten is just a touch better and the 6 pack is $2 cheaper
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