Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Fuller's Vintage Ale 2011 Review

Finally! I have been keeping 3 of these bottles in my basement for well over a month now, but just could never find the time to try and review one until tonight. I love the holiday season.

The beer has a very clear amber color and pours with a generous and bubbly head, which recedes quickly with little lacing. The aroma is, as expecting, quite malty with tropical fruit notes and a boozy undertone. The taste starts off on a similar note - sweet malt with some tropical fruits, papaya mostly. There are some alcoholic notes, but I sort of expected that from a beer with an 8.5% ABV content. The finish is what I loved the most. Hoppy, spicy and woody characters emerge and not only compliment the malty character of the beer, but also add some warmth that can be felt in the chest. The finish is medium to long and resembles that of scotch. The only complaint I have are the boozy characters which are fairly strong and come and go. That said, I recommend trying this one and also I strongly suggest sipping it.

If interested, check out my review of the 2010 Vintage Ale.

Cost - $7.25
Taste - 8/10
ABV - 8.5%

Overall - 8/10...great sipper with a scotch-like character

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