Monday, January 16, 2012

Wychwood King Goblin Review

I picked up this brew a few weeks ago (OK, a few months ago, but now I am finally posting this review), but I didn't find the time...OK, the urge to drink this until tonight - an especially chilly evening. I figured the 6.6% could warm me up a bit after dinner.

The beer has a very deep reddish color and pours with an off-white short head. The aroma is sweet and malty with notes of dried fruits, spices and some booze hiding underneath it all. The beer is not as carbonated as I expected it to be, making it an easy drink. The taste is malty but balanced between sweet and bitter with the latter coming from some roasted malt and a bit of hops. The fruitiness is barely noticeable in the taste, but the spices do come out and create a pleasant warm feeling. The finish is long and malty with some warm oaky hints as well as a bit of caramel. Just as hoped, this beer was a pretty decent after dinner drink and it did warm me up nicely. Try it.

Cost - $3.60
Taste -7.9/10
ABV - 6.6%

Overall - 7.9/10...warm and spicy with a very nice, long woody finish

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