Tuesday, September 11, 2012

La Gueule de Boise La Racine Milk Stout Review

I am a huge fan of milk stouts so when I saw this in Montreal, I just had to have it and in exchange for $5.75 plus tax a bottle was mine.

The beer has a very dark brown, almost black color and pours with a huge, semi-lively head. I had to pour the 500 mL bottle several times to fit it all in a 650 mL glass. The aroma is very weak for a stout, but you do get some milky notes here and there (yes, they are a bit raunchy). You also get very subtle roasted malt hints and even subtler coffee notes. 

The taste is...confusing. It reminds me a lot of the s'mores beer I made a few months ago and didn't want to consume more than 2 bottles of. The mouthfeel is a way too watery and the beer is too carbonated. The flavour is sour with veeeeery subtle coffee and roasted notes which only appear near the finish. On the plus side if you don't like the beer the aftertaste is not remind you of what you just consumed because there is almost none at the start and you only start noticing lingering notes half way through the bottle. Once you start noticing the lingering flavours, you will also notice how dry your mouth is and how much you want to consume water instead.

I am a bit disappointed because I was really looking forward to trying this and also because I paid $6 for this bottle. This, of course, did not stop me from consuming the bottle.

Cost - $5.75
Taste - 4/10
ABV - 5.5%

Overall - 4/10...light tasting

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