Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Muskoka Harvest Ale 2012 Review

It is Fall and with Fall it is time for the latest Harvest Ale. This one can be yours...or could have been yours if you are reading this late for $8.95.

This year's Harvest Ale has a deep amber color very similar to last year batch and pours with the same medium thick, slightly off-white head which leaves some lacing behind as it recedes. The aroma is once again hoppy with very obvious Cascade notes bring out citrus notes with pine and caramel trailing behind. There is also a subtle alcohol note lurking beneath the citrus aroma.

The taste is a bit off balance - very sweet at the start with a lot of fruits and caramel, yet bitter with roasted malts and hops shortly after. There seems to be no smooth transition.. Grassy notes appear for a brief moment before the sweet (OK and slightly bitter) finish comes. 

Overall, I am not hugely impressed by this year's Harvest Ale due to its sweetness, but it still is a fairly drinkable brew.

Cost - $8.95 for a 750 mL bottle
Taste - 7/10
ABV - 7%

Overall - 7/10...sweet and a bit off-balanced

1 comment:

  1. love it! Tastes like average ipa's...lately these have been my favourite. Comparible to Smashbomb Atomic ipa and boneshaker in my opinion. Easily gets 9/10 from me. I would give it 10/10 but my bottle has run out :(


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