Monday, October 8, 2012

A trio of Québécois fruit beers

Here are three fruit beers I picked up when I was in Montreal at the height of Ontario's heat wave to enjoy on the balcony...many many weeks ago. The three beers are brewed by Schoune and retail for $2.49 each.

Douce Caresse

An apricot beer with a hazy honey color and a thin head. The aroma carries a sharp and very acidic apricot scent with quite a bit of malt. The taste is very sour and surprisingly refreshing. The light and sour apricot flavour reminds me of eating hard, unripened apricots while the malt gives the beer enough character to separate it from an apricot flavoured cider. The finish is crisp, dry with a bit of malt and a very subtle apricot note.

Taste - 6/10

Eternel Peche

This one has a very odd, muddy honey color and its aroma differs very little from the apricot one...if any. The taste is much, much more different, though. A sweet peach flavour comes first, however a strong malt taste comes quickly and lingers well into the finish.  There is very little sourness and not enough sweetness to place this beer in either the "sweet and fruity" or the "sour and refreshing" categories. The flavour is stuck somewhere in between which made this beer very average for me. The finish is very mild with a very faint peach note and a very strong malt flavour. Did not enjoy this very much.

Taste - 4/10

Plaisir D'Ete

This one has a hazy amber color with a very sharp sour aroma from the wild yeast. The flavour is just as sour with subtle notes of sour raspberries. The finish is refreshing and overall, this is an OK sour ale at a much lower cost than similar Belgian ones.

Taste - 5.8/10

Cost - $2.49 per bottle
ABV - 4%

1 comment:

  1. I own a couple of brewing recipe books, but I never really tried brewing a batch of fruit beer, or given it much thought until I imbibed a friend's fruit beer recipe a little while ago, and was really surprised by how good and interesting it tasted, so I decided to give fruit beer a shot myself.


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