Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Muskoka Harvest Ale 2011 Review

It is almost Fall, which means...harvest season...well, almost harvest for all. Regardless, we get Muskoka's new Harvest Ale for 2011.

The beer is dark amber in color and pours with a thick, off-white, creamy head which recedes to a thin layer with some decent lacing. The aroma is very hoppy with some very light sweet fruity notes and just a hint of bubblegum. The flavour is bold with hops and a lot of roasted malt, very light on the sweetness. Some fruity notes are noticeable, but are covered up by the hops and the malt. The finish is roasted with more hops and just a touch of citrus. Overall, I enjoyed this much better than Muskoka's last years Harvest Ale and reminded me a little of their Mad Tom IPA.

Get it if you have the chance.

Cost - $8.95
Taste - 8.5/10
ABV - 6.4%

Overall - 8.5/10...liked this one very much

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