Thursday, April 11, 2013

Lucky Beer Review

I know what you are thinking - best bottle design EVAH! But seriously, this was enough to get me to buy this beer...also we were having a party and thought this might amuse us at the end of a night of drinking...and it really did. Luckily I was able to save a bottle for a quick review.

Lucky is obviously a lager and is imported from China. It has a very light golden color and pours with no head, just a bubbly ring around the edges of the glass. The aroma is typical for such lagers - boozy with notes of grains and rice. The flavour is on the bolder end for such lagers (not talking about craft lagers here, OK) so you get a decent amount of malt up front. Shortly after come lightly toasted notes, grass and in the distance is a boozy/ricey note. The tail end is watery without any offensive notes at the start, but go halfway the first bottle and a boozy/ricey note will start building up.

I had these super cold during the party and this one was just cold. I strongly recommend these to be consumed as cold as possible. Overall, I thought it was a pretty refreshing lager, but there was just nothing exceptional about it other than the bottle.

Cost - $11.75 for a 6 pack
Taste - 5.8/10
ABV - 4.8%

Overall - 5.8/ bottle, refreshing, nothing exciting

1 comment:

  1. glad you're still updating! I was looking at this beer a few days ago, now i know not to try it haha


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