After years of saying "I will try it some other time" that time came and I got a 6 pack of Samuel Adams Boston Lager. What made me finally buy this? The free Samuel Adams glass that was attached to the 6 pack. So after paying my $13.60 for the 6 pack, I was home pouring a bottle in my...Samuel Smith glass. What? No! I cannot waste time washing the newly acquired glass, at least not at this time.
The one thing I noticed right away was the writing under the cap. As I found out each cap carries and award and the year of the award. The first three caps were all from the 2000's from the U.S. and Australia...yesss, I had 3 beers before I finally settled in front of the computer to write down my thoughts and observations. Now lets begin.
The beer has a deep amber/orange color and pours with a short to medium, lacy head which recedes rather quickly. The aroma is sweet with malty and citrus notes. It is rich tasting with some malty and fruity notes. Hops come in at the end and help bring the taste to a bitter and dry finish with a lot of flavour left over. Some metallic and slightly alcoholic tastes start to become apparent after a couple of beers in a row. This is a fantastic, flavour rich, easily accessible U.S. beer that can easily become a favorite of those who do not like complex and heavy beers or cheap, mass produced lagers.
Cost - $13.60 CAD for a 6 pack
Taste - 7.8/10
Overall - 7.8/10...a simple, flavour rich lager
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