This product has been recently discontinued in Canada, but I decided to share my review. I got a bottle of this around half a year ago when I was at LCBO looking for something ot mix with. I was in the mood for a liquor so when I arrived at the aisle this one grabbed my attention. Once you see a full bottle of it, you will understand why it grabs the attention - the liquor is pink, bright pink, and the bottle is rather tall. Also the display may have had something to do with this. Yes, this was proudly on display with a huge "ON SALE" sign. I can't remember what the original price was, but the sale was no more than a couple of dollars off. I picked one up like a sucker because I was mislead by the label - great recipes to try, mix with vodka, club soda, juices, blah, blah, blah. It was also quite cheap - $14.95 for a 750 mL bottle.
On my way home I picked up the suggested juices, a bottle of Lime Cordial, club soda and some ice to be prepared for the night...the wednesday night that is. First of all, the liquor does not smell very appealing and second, it does not taste that great. It seemed like artificial flavour was added, not real. OK, maybe it will taste better in a cocktail. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. The "martini" that was on the label was far too weak and tasteless. I had to double the vodka content, which did not go really well with the guava flavour. OK, I tried the cocktail with the juices. That one was a little better, but I couldn't help tasting that fake guava and somehow the alcohol tasted rather weird. I thought that maybe I did something wrong so I made another one with different proportions and also added some lime cordial. DAMN, it still didn't work. I put it
on my booze shelf and didn't touch it for a few months.
Fast forward to a month ago, we bought a bunch of guava juices and decided to try and get rid of the liquor. I started adding 1.5 oz shots to each glass of guava juice I had and painfully finish the bottle. That only lasted for a couple of days. The last little bit of the liquor was used in a punch. Good thing its horrible taste was masked by the rum and tequila I also added. Good thing it is being discontinued, because it just wasn't that good.
Cost - 9/10
Taste - 3/10
Overall - 12/20...the only reason why it's getting a passing mark is because of the price. If you are broke, or don't want to spend more on liquor for mixing, sure, try it...if you can still find it in stores.
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