Saturday, September 19, 2009

Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Märzen Review

If I have made a mistake writing the name of this beer let me know, as I have never had a beer with a name so difficult to pronounce and spell. I got this at an LCBO in Kitchener for $3.15 CAD. I have never seen this beer before in any of the smaller LCBOs so you may not be able to find easily. It comes in 500 mL bottles and it is not in the refrigerated section.

This is the first smokebeer I have ever bought so I really don't know what to expect. It is very dark in color, almost black and pours with a head that is almost an inch thick. The head slowly goes down to a nice white ring around the glass, leaving some lacing behind.

Holy smoking bacon taste! If you missed it, this beer smells and tastes like a smokehouse and bacon (it smells like a smokehouse and tastes like delicious, smoky bacon). It certainly has a very different, very unique taste, but I love it. The aftertaste goes from an immediate full bodied smoky one to a rich malty one.

Cost - $3.15 CAD for a 500 mL bottle
Taste - 8.2/10

Overall - 8.2/10...very unique, not for everyone, but I certainly liked it

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