This beer pours with a nice dark gold or amber color, on the dark side for a tripel. The head is rather small, but lingers as a thin layer of foam with delicate lacing. It continues to bubble visibly, so you can tell it is a fairly carbonated beer.
The nose is slightly sweet, with aromas of roasted malt and yeast. There is a hint of the high alcohol content, as you can smell some alcohol. The flavor is interesting, but not very complex. Yeast is the main flavor, with some malt, hints of grape and apple, and alcohol. It is quite carbonated and becomes somewhat foamy in the mouth. I should note that the alcohol flavor is not unpleasant, but rather quite warming. It's a good ale on a cold day like today.
The finish is quite resilient, with a strong taste of yeast that quickly fades to be replaced by a dry and slightly bitter taste of hops. You definitely feel the alcohol content in this beer. It warms you up quickly. This is a beer to sip slowly, as the rich taste is quite satisfying, and the alcohol taste can build up unpleasantly if consumed too quickly.
Cost - Part of a set, 3 bottles and a glass for $15.95
Taste - 8.3/10
Overall - 8.3/10...a pleasant beer with a satisfying taste. Great for sipping during the cold days of late fall.
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