I felt like having a Dunkel tonight and I picked up one of few that were available in the local LCBO. Unlike the Warsteiner Dunkel, which I reviewed a few months ago, this one is more expensive, at $3.15 CAD for a 500 mL glass bottle.
The beer pours with a thick and creamy head which has large bubbles around the edges and small ones in the middle. The ones near the edges disappear first leaving a short, creamy island of foam in the middle. The island forms in several minutes leaving some lacing. As you would expect from a dunkel, the color is dark brown, almost black and the beer is hazy. The aroma is very sharp but neither sweet nor bitter. Mild hints of bananas become apparent after a long whiff. The taste is medium bold with hints of roasted malt, dried fruits and hops and a bit of chocolate at the end. The finish hoppy, not too bitter and slightly dry. The taste of wheat does not accumulate, at least with for one bottle. Great dunkel, better than Warsteiner Dunkel, but with a slightly higher price tag.
Cost - $3.15 CAD for a 500 mL bottle
Taste - 8/10
Overall - 8/10...not a bad dunkel, a little too carbonated for my liking
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