You guessed it, this is hibiscus flavoured beer from the one and only Dieu du Ciel. At $3.10 per bottle, it is an expensive one, but look at that label and tell me you don't want to try it.
The beer is cloudy and has a deep red color with slight pinkish tones. It pours with almost no head, just a pink ring which disappears quickly. It has a flowery aroma with the unmistakable scent of hibiscus...and tomatoes! Yep, ripe tomatoes. It smells a lot like hibiscus tea, which I love very much. The taste starts off mild, but the flavours quickly develop. Notes of tomatoes and hibiscus jump out followed by a light fruity sweetness and tangy citrus fruits. The taste of hops develops near the end and explodes in the finish, which is dry, medium to long and very pleasant. I know what you are thinking - tomatoes? Hibiscus? But this is a rather well executed combination which creates a pleasant experience on a warm summer night. Sip it slow and you will enjoy it. But make sure you pour it in a glass to unlock its aroma. If you want to try something unique and well done, buy one of these, it's worth the $3.10.
Cost - $3.10 for a 341 mL bottle
Taste - 8.3/10
Overall - 8.3/10...a well executed mix of vegetable notes and hibiscus with a very solid beer-like finish
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