Sunday, June 13, 2010

Samuel Smith's Organic Raspberry Ale Review

Another new product at the LCBO and this time it's from one of my favorite brewers - Samuel Smith. Like their other beers, this one comes with a high price - $5.50 per bottle. I know, I know, what was I thinking spending this much on a flavoured beer? Well, why the hell not?

The beer has a very nice, very deep reddish/walnut brown color and pours with a short to medium pink head. The aroma is quite nice with an intense sweet, creamy raspberry note and some subtle floral ones in the distance. The taste is fantastic with the intense raspberry notes quickly attacking the taste buds. After the initial fruity attack, malty, more beer-like flavours present themselves to help it finish on a very beer-like note. The finish is long, slightly bitter, dry and finally shows off the hops. Some tartness from the raspberries is present in the finish, but it is subtle and compliments the beer-like notes very nicely. Unlike Fruli, Samuel Smith's Organic Raspberry Ale is a well balanced beer which should appeal to avid beer drinkers as well as the coolers crowd. Move over Fruli, I have a new favorite fruit beer and before you say something about the price, consider the following: this is a 550 mL beer while Fruli comes in 250 mL bottles so you will need to buy at least 2. Each bottle of Fruli costs $2.35 so you will have to spend $4.70 for 500 mL of Fruli. I would gladly pay the extra 80 cents and walk away with a bottle of Samuel Smith's Organic Raspberry Ale.

Cost - $5.50 for a 550 mL bottle
Taste - 8.9/10

Overall - 8.9/10...I would normally give it an extra 0.1 for the surprise factor, but then again, I would have to subtract 0.1 for the high cost factor. This is the best, most well balanced fruit beer I have tried

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