One of my favorite breweries, if not the most favorite, is Flying Monkeys. I get their Hoptical Illusion every weekend and bring it to every party or gathering I go to so when a new bottle appeared on the shelves of LCBO, I grabbed a bunch of 6 packs, ran to the cash register and go back home as fast as I could so I can try one...and follow it by a second and a third one.
The beer has a dark brown color with some red tones, which shouldn't come as a complete surprise because of the "Dark Ale" part in the name. The beer pours with a short, tan and moderately lacy head, which goes down quickly. The aroma is biscuity, flowery with a lot...a looooot of hops. The taste is where the darkness shows itself through a sweet malty taste with hints of roasted nuts and chocolate. The rest is hops and pure awesomeness. The finish is hoppy, slightly dry with short lasting chocolate and roasted nuts notes. Overall, this is probably my favorite new beer which can easily replace Hoptical Illusion as my weekend beer of choice.
Cost - $12.45 for a 6 pack
Taste - 8.5/10
ABV - 6%
Overall - 8.5/10...I absolutely love this beer and for the price, I think it offers quite a lot
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