Thursday, September 22, 2011

Beau's Dunkel Buck Review

I just picked up two of Beau's new LCBO releases - the Dunkel Buck and the Festivale Altbier. I was surprised to find both at the local store, many, many kilometers away from Vankleek Hill, as locally I see only Beau's Lagered Ale.

The Dunkel Buck is hazy since it is unfiltered and has a very deep brown color with some light red hues. It pours with a nice tan head, which in the matter of minutes recedes to a thin ring. The beer smells like a strong wheat ale with sweet tropical fruits and clover. The taste is similar though not as sweet as I expected it to be. There roasted nutty notes which nicely complement the sweetness, taking most of it away. A banana flavour, and a bit of bubblegum, follow the initial nuttiness and are well pronounced well into the finish, which itself, is a bit dry and just a tad spicy. There is some warmth to it as well, but do not expect a "heater-in-your-stomach" like you would get from some Belgian ales.

I really liked this beer, especially the banana finish which leaves a very pleasant, long lasting sensation. The beer is heavy so I cannot recommend it to everyone, but if you wish to experiment with something warm and local that can compete with some Belgian ales, then this is the beer for you.

Cost - $7.85 for a 600 mL bottle
Taste - 8.6/10
ABV - 6.8%

Overall - 8.6/10...a bit pricy, but very nice and enjoyable

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