Monday, September 21, 2009

Hop Back Summer Lightning Golden Ale Review

Browsing the isles of new LCBO I came across what looked like a discontinued ale - Summer Lightning. There were a few bottles left over and all had crooked labels, some even had small rips. The first time I saw it, I passed it, but then I came back because I noticed the price tag - $3.45 CAD. I am not one who thinks expensive = good (read Grey Goose is overpriced and overhyped), but when it comes to beers there seems to be a pretty decent relationship between price and quality. What the hell, I thought, it is only $3.45.

The ale pours with a medium, creamy head. The bottle is conditioned so there is some yeast sediment. Be careful when pouring it. It is deepstraw/light amber in color and has a hoppy scent. It tastes bitter and has a dry, bitter finish. The aftertaste is about the same - bitter and lasts for a while. Some lacing is present. If you think this is as bitter as coffee, you are mistaken. This ale has the perfect (at least I think it is the perfect) bitter taste and aftertaste. The beer was an absolute pleasure.

Cost - $3.45 CAD for a 500 mL bottle if you can find them
Taste - 8.8/10

Overall - 8.8/10...I love the bitter finish and aftertaste

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