Another domestic/local beer for me to try. This is a session ale, which automatically makes the beer low in alcohol content and light tasting. Here is a link to Beeradvocate's article on session beers. I got this chubby little bottle from the LCBO for $2.20. It does not sound like a lot, but remember that the beer comes in a smaller package - 341 mL. I am only saying smaller, because for around $2.20 per beer, I expect to get something around the 500 mL mark.
The beer is light to medium amber in color and slightly cloudy. It pours with a very thick, very creamy head which takes a bit of time to recede with quite a bit of lacing. The aroma is a little fruity, sweet and malty. The beer is medium bodied and the taste is of herbs and a hint of fruits. The finish is more sour than bitter. I am not sure if I got a bad beer, or if this is how it is supposed to taste. I think I will try another one in the near future just to double check. For now I think that the beer is good enough to be given a second tasting. The flavour is light and once you get past the sour finish, it is not a bad tasting beer. The alcohol content is low enough for one to enjoy more than one at a time...thus session ale.
Cost - $2.20 CAD for a 341 mL bottle
Taste - 6.8/10
Overall - 6.8/10...I need to try another one before I make this final due to the sour finish
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