Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Faxe 10% Extra Strong Beer Review

This is it, this is the most alcoholic beer I have every consumed. The Urbock 23 came close, La Fin Du Monde was strong, but this beats them all. I am always on the lookout for strong beers in Canada, but there aren't that many really strong ones. I have yet to come across a Sam Adams Utopia. The high ABV comes at a price - $3.15 for a 500 mL can and you should be able to find it at most LCBO stores.

The beer is light gold in color, not what I was expecting. It pours with a very thick head, very creamy in the middle. The head takes a few minutes to recede leaving some lacing behind. The beer has a very strong, sweet, slightly spicy aroma with hints of corn and apples. You can really taste the alcohol with this one, which by the way leaves a very warm feeling. The alcohol taste really shows itself towards the end of the can which is something I should warn you about. If you can stand the taste, drink the whole can by yourself, if you cannot, split it with someone. Alcohol aside, the first few sips are great - roasted malt and a little bit of sweetness with hops at the end. The finish is medium and bitter and does not change as you continue drinking, which is a big plus in my book. Great overall taste for such a high alcohol content. I would buy it again if I ever feel the need to get intoxicated quickly on something that tastes great.

Cost - $3.15 CAD for a 500 mL can
Taste - 6.9/10

Overall - 6.9/10...OK taste, great finish, but the alcohol taste is a bit strong, especially towards the end


  1. i was expecting a dark beer. petro nose was actually kinda neat, then again.. lol cheers.

  2. Drinking a few cans of this as i read reviews. It is what it is, high alcohol content and it gets you hammered. BUT compared to other beers like it, faxe 10 tastes not bad. Its no coors light, this is a mans beer.

  3. The best beer I've ever had. Period.

  4. I love this beer. Just drink one and drink it slowly. It's delicious.

  5. My dad's favourite, and I like it too. Excellent value.

  6. Its quite a drink. Took 3 and am feeling so high.

  7. Its motor oil at its best. Thick oil. Smells bad. But if you want to drink one beer and done with it for the day, this is the one. I drink this beer and 1 chicken biriyani. Thats it. This was my routine in scarborough. Better than 10 piece KFC chicken and beer.

  8. its unique by its kind......i love it
