Today I am trying Lithuania's Most Popular Beer...or at least the most popular according to the beer label. I have never heard of it, but the bottle caught my eye and price was reasonable at $2.35 CAD for a 500 mL bottle.
The beer has a deepstraw/golden color and pours with a thick and lacy head, which takes some time to recede. The aroma is inviting and similar to that of traditional German lagers with hops and malt and no additional exotic scents. The taste is, again, similar to that of traditional German lagers, only slightly sweeter at the beginning, which gives it a unique taste. The finish is medium to long, bitter and hoppy. About a third of the way through, the unwelcome taste of corn and rice starts to emerge, which ruins the experience a little. Overall this is an OK lager at a reasonable price.
Cost - $2.35 CAD for a 500 mL bottle
Taste - 6.8/10
Overall - 6.8/10...almost tastes like a standard German lager with the exception of some corn and rice notes that emerge a third of the way through
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